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2 | Richard Baran | 10.1038/ncomms9289 | EarlyCareer_RB_BioSoilCrustCommunity2015 | 10.1038/ncomms9289 | Trent Northen | Baran R, Brodie EL, Mayberry-Lewis J, Hummel E, Da Rocha UN, Chakraborty R, et al. Exometabolite niche partitioning among sympatric soil bacteria. Nat Commun. 2015;6:8289. | |
3 | Richard Baran | 10.1039/c1mb05196b | ENIGMA_RB_Synechococcus2011 | 10.1039/c1mb05196b | Trent Northen | Baran R, Bowen BP, Northen TR. Untargeted metabolic footprinting reveals a surprising breadth of metabolite uptake and release by Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002. Mol Biosyst. 2011;7:3200. | |
4 | Onur Erbilgin | 10.1186/s12859-017-1478-2 | ENIGMA_OE_TricultureModeling2015 | 10.1186/s12859-017-1478-2 | Trent Northen | Erbilgin O, Bowen BP, Kosina SM, Jenkins S, Lau RK, Northen TR. Dynamic substrate preferences and predicted metabolic properties of a simple microbial consortium. 2016. | |
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